Volunteers needed to solicit local businesses
1 - 3 hour commitment
We provide email draft / script for solicitations, names of businesses, contact names, emails & information, thank you cards.
Want to make a donation for the Raffle? Gift Baskets, Gift Cards or your choice - all are welcomed.
Volunteers needed for organizing tables, decorating, set-up and tear down.
Time: 15-20 minutes before event; 15-20 minutes after
We provide decorations, chairs, tables, any other required materials.
Volunteers needed to Sell 50/50 raffle tickets or tickets for gift baskets/silent auction.
Time: varies during event, usually 1 hour before, during and right before we close the raffles
We provide aprons, tickets, buckets for storing tickets to be drawn.
Sassafras River Yacht Club
Skipjack Cove Yachting Resort, 150 Skipjack Rd, Cecilton, Maryland, United States